Oasis Hosting Has Acquired Reality66 Hosting
We are very pleased to announce that Oasis Hosting has acquired the Hosting Branch of Reality66. Reality66 and Oasis Hosting (AKA Oasis Creative) have been working together for well over a decade. We value each other’s client’s as if they were our own.
How Will This Work?
First, we want to make it very clear, that we want to make this as easy and painless for everyone on the server as possible. You’ll have the same space, memory, bandwidth, email and everything else as your current hosting account. We’ll be working directly with Andre Fredette and Lee Blue from Reality66 to ensure everything goes smooth and as planned.
Pricing is going to increase. But, along with it, you will get the White Glove service where we update your WordPress Core and Plugins. This will save you time and money in the long run. If you have paid for the year or month, there will be a credit placed on the account but we will still need to migrate the site and set up billing for the account.
If your version of WordPress is out of date and in need of updates, those will need to be made as soon as possible. We offer a WordPress Freshen Up Service for such cases. The White Glove service is optional for your accounts, but it is highly recommended and the service is included in the fees. If you choose to opt out of the service please be sure to let us know when you sign up or contact us directly.
Several current accounts include PHP applications as well as a WordPress install. That is not a problem, we can host stand-alone PHP applications as well. Again, we will be working directly with Reality66 to ensure nothing is left on the old server or overlooked. If at some point you need more storage we can increase that on a per account level no problem. If you do not use WordPress or a DataBase driven site, not to worry, we can host you as well. Accounts that do not require a WordPress install or Database are $360 a year and there is no monthly option.
Why Did This Happen?
The recent acquirement happened for many reasons. The most important reason being that Reality66 is focusing on growing the e-commerce platforms they have developed. Valuing it’s customers over the years, Reality66 didn’t want to just leave their client’s high and dry so the decision was made to rebrand and change ownership in order to provide clients a similar, but improved service, as before.
We are thrilled to be able to offer Reality66 customers top notch hosting with superior service that Oasis Creative has been offering to its client’s for 15 years. Managed WordPress hosting takes the pain out of hosting for the site owner and even developer. A faster, more up to date server, WordPress and plugins mean a faster more stable server that creates better conversion rates and sales.
Unfortunately, sustainability and superior service come at a price. Time and manpower can not power a server alone. As of September 18, new pricing will go into effect and your billing preferences will need to be updated by signing up for hosting in our new system. It is very important to note, that on September 18, 2016, any account that has not contacted us and upgraded their billing profile will be suspended. It is critical for you to get back to us as soon as possible.
The plan we recommend bills at $50 a month or $500 a year. However, that includes a ton of features that most hosts will nickel and dime you for. Based on our review of your account, this package will suit your needs perfectly.
If you chose not to stay on board with Oasis Hosting, we’ll be more than happy to suggest other hosts with similar services and features. However, we hope that you come aboard. We think you will see that Managed WordPress hosting is worth every penny.
What is the Next Step?
Every account on this server started on different dates or has some unique pricing or pricing variables. We can provide a link to our payment portal and guide you through this process at a later date. However, the first step is to use the button below to contact Andrew Bossola with Oasis Creative / Oasis Hosting. Andrew will be your main point of contact for this transition and we need every account to contact us and let us know if you plan to stay or find another host. Again, we have a very short 4 weeks to plan for this transition. The sooner you contact us, the better. Again, on September 18, the account your website is on may be suspended and go down if you do not contact us to facilitate this change.
Phone calls are welcomed as well: 804-304-2814 or you can email us directly at andy@oasiscreative.com.
We Manage Your WordPress Site,
So You Can Manage Your Business
Welcome to high-end, MANAGED hosting – we handle EVERYTHING for you.
Why Managed Hosting for WordPress?
Most site owners don’t have the know-how, time or interest to keep their WordPress install and plugins up to date. As a result, over the course of a few years or less, WordPress can become insecure, susceptible to hacking and can cause irreparable damage to your site and the server. Our White Glove service simply budgets time for updates in order to keep your site, as well as the server, safe and secure. It also budgets time to set up offsite backups, and configure security measures.

Why the White Glove Service?
We provide high-quality WordPress hosting with top-notch support.
White Glove Services Included in All Packages:
Extended White Glove Service Includes: